Friday, March 7, 2008



Itu adalah respon bunda. Aneh juga komentar orang-orang (baca: orang asing) waktu pertama kali melihat zahwa. Komentar pertama mereka umumnya adalah: "Kok nggak ada rambutnya ya?"
(dalam beberapa versi seperti: "Rambutnya belum tumbuh ya?" Atau "Oh, masih botak ya?" dan lain-lain. Semuanya diucapkan dengan nada prihatin)
Lalu mereka pun menjadi sangat perhatian, menawarkan berbagai macam solusi agar rambut zahwa bisa tumbuh.
Urang-aring, lidah buaya, seledri, minyak kemiri... U name it, I've heard it.

Hmmm, not many people seems to notice how beautiful she is when she smiles. It's like the room was suddenly being lit up by the brightest light ever. And how wide her smile is. (Zee had just learned to smile. And she usually will 'treat' u with a wide toothless grin which is simply adorable!)
And not many noticing how beautiful her eyes are. Just the tiny eyes that sparkle like the stars. Or how cute she is.... Oh no, they must only notice how little her hair is.
I'm not bothered much, though. Someday the hair will grow as thick as can be. Just like mine. And abi.
In the mean time, all I can see when I see you baby, is just how perfect you are.
O yes, u're just perfect!